Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Strong and Gable

 No Rock today either but dupe base are...

Backhand was a good crazy in the 90s, enjoyable character that was easy to dislike. Gable may not be crazy, but 2024, he has finally been able to show his character ability with the work related to Alpha Academy and the Wyatt Sixks. The man could always wrestle, but people had not been given enough character to allow the opportunity to really get behind him, or hate him.

I miss the NXT days of Strong and Undisputed Era  - great times in NXT. it's getting good again, but now is more a true "build from scratch" than in 2017 when it was more of a "give great indy talent a chance" period.

Oh, and remember when Total Divas was a thing? I watched a couple episodes, but not a show I miss....

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