Thursday, August 15, 2024

Heck Yes!

 So the final pack to open is the pack which will include one Daniel Bryan insert as well as one other hit  - relic, autograph, kiss card or otherwise. Speaking of which, a kiss card is the one thing I don't have which I'd like to hit in one of these wrestling boxes. I know they are fairly rare, but they are unique enough, it would be cool - side note - the Goldust one is pretty awesome, look it up if you haven't seen it - the prices to buy them are generally quite high.

First up - Daniel Bryan....

Team Hell No was great - both wrestling wise, but also comedy wise, loved their antics and the timing and chemistry between the two was great. Add in the Undertaker for a trios team and they are dominant, even late in Taker's career.

As for the hit...

Well, on the plus side, not bad on getting a good hit and getting a serial numbered card. Austin is not one of the wrestlers I would have picked to get a card of, but the relic card itself is great. Austin seemed to be his own worst enemy at times for making it work in WWE, though he may not have really wanted it to, I don't know.

He was in WWE from Jan 2016 through mid-2017 when he was released because the writers didn't have anything for him. He made his name mostly in TNA and ROH, just the short stint in WWE.

The hit saved this box, and the fact I needed most of the inserts, so we end up in the middle for this year. Not too shabby, even if I didn't get my Rock card, but I have a plan for that.....hopefully, fingers crossed.

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