Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Running Out Of Packs

With no Rock today, leaves me with one chance tomorrow to get that elusive Rock base card...and just a single keeper again today and these base dupes first... 

Sometimes it takes a while for someone to grow on your enough to really enjoy their work, and seeing them regularly. Hopefully this isn't true about a spouse, but someone in wrestling - it happens.

I didn't enjoy Michael Cole for a number of years when he started. I don't know if it was because of the work of JR being so great at the time, and the comparison, but I didn't start to appreciate Michael Cole's work for a good while - though there were still times, like his heel run and in ring work at Wrestlemania, that were absolutely not needed and didn't help.

These days, as a seasoned veteran, he definitely is the voice of WWE for much of the last decade, and I have grown to be okay with that. Not sure how long he plans on being that voice or who would be next, but there are some solid talents around him.

Heck, being a WWE guy, Ric Flair was someone that had to grow on me much the same way. As a kid - I partly didn't want to give Flair and 90s WCW a chance to be liked - I mean, they were the bad guys. I didn't mind Flair's 1992 run, which was really my first introduction to seeing the man wrestle. I know I missed the heyday of his talents through the 80s, but it took into his later WCW days when I started to at least get behind him and the character a bit, but it was Evolution that really made me appreciate and look back at his earlier career.

We end with....a card that I didn't have and now that I do....yup.

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