Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Remembrance Day

Short post today because the focus should be remembering and Remembrance Day as a whole. 2020 has been a year that, in many ways, most would like to forget, but something we can't forget, is what past generations went through to allow us the freedoms that we have been greatly reminded of this year as we have had those freedoms tested for completely different reasons.

Do take care to remember, and thank you to all those who take part in protecting our countries, our freedoms, our abilities, and our rights, and hearts are with those that know someone lost in those battles.



Take care.

9 Packs, 61 Cards, 333 Points


  1. That Mandy Rose card is sweet?

    Happy Veteran's Day!

  2. Such a great holiday. I am so appreciative and proud of those who chose to put their country and fellow citizens ahead of themselves. That's a true hero.
