He does love him some Mandy Rose. Nice to get her rookie card here, though plainest of plain as far as the card goes. I can understand Corey's obsession at least.
Nice to see Virgil actually made it into more than one set as a legend....and following the Million Dollar Man yesterday...how appropriate.

We end with another Bryan - probably the biggest star of the 2010s from an "in wrestling" standpoint. Cena has him beat on the crossover aspect, but probably not on having the crowd behind him when wrestling.
5 pack, 35 cards, 108 points.
Today, will finish with a lot of Jays cards I won on Listia. It was a while ago, but the seller was delayed in sending. The plus side is, she said she would send a few extras (and did). The downside was, I didn't hear anything until about 6 weeks after it was over and I contacted her first. Regardless, at least I got the cards I wanted, as well as a few as bonus...

This was the original lot, I was after for obvious reasons. None are new to me, but the price was decent, so a good add for that million Jays goal I will never reach.

The adds were similar era base cards. Nothing here that really fits for me, but none were dupes, so nice there.

The last add will fit the collection as this will be a nice error card add with the slight misprint on the back with it a bit off the card, so works for me.
A nice collection of late 70s cards.
That 80T Bob Bailor is a great looking card.
ReplyDeleteI'll be able to help you get a decent step to 1 million Jays lol