The tribute with all the stars out is standard for big time players, and Dusty was one. A shame the card happened to come out of the pack with a dinged corner, but it is in my collection regardless, and not going anywhere. The bronze parallel I think, works better than the base version, given the dark black on the card anyway.

Yeah - followed up with The Rock which, going on my point the other day, current Rock has no current hair, except if you count the eyebrows.

With the base cards, almost looks like one of the Immortal insert cards for the Undertaker given the pic was taken post match with the purple lights on in the ring.
5 pack, 35 cards, 114 points.
Left my two cents down here so I didn't spoil this for anyone - Super Bowl quick comments below including spoilers!
Super Bowl LIII was yesterday, and I didn't watch any of it. Sounds like I won based on the game reports and halftime show reviews. I think I heard the Rams were only the second team to ever go through a Super Bowl game without a touchdown, and 13-3 isn't exactly lighting the game up in general.
Another year of football done though - hope, for those who watched, it wasn't as painful as it sounded.
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