Well, I paid for it so serves me right. I picked up a few lose packs for the unopened pack collection...

Nothing specifically special about any of these, but just newer packs I haven't touched in not buying "new" cards. There was also this mystery box which I though, given the price where it was sitting, was $12...

First time I had seen it, and there was only one. It was sealed just fine, so I figured why not. Yeah, it was $16 which, for 4 packs and what will be a meh Young Gun, is overpriced on the surface.
Open it up and we get...

So the good - the 2018-19 packs are needed for the unopened pack collection, and the Young Gun is okay - middle of the road type card in my opinion. Would have been happier with some others, but at least it is someone who has played more than a dozen NHL games.
The down side is the couple packs I will be opening,an O Pee Chee and 2008-09 Upper Deck Series 2 pack - probably not much in these to save this one.
Let's go Upper Deck first...
This is a slow collecting set for me, so good that all the base cards are new and get to be added to the collection at least.
The last couple cards from the pack, also solid keepers...

Left, a set I am not collecting in 2009-10 O Pee Chee so, these are up for grabs...
Finally, we end with the best of the pack - a Legend card (so a keeper), and a Leaf insert that was new to me, and I do like these rainbow foils!
Overall, still not worth the price tag on the box, but at least it was an interesting package for opening. Will have to see how long I can keep going without cheating again on buying new cards...
Setoguchi sighting!