Thursday, December 10, 2020

Got Heath

 He may have kids, but now I got hometown hero Heath.

It's the little things that make collecting for - the quote on the back of the card..."Fewer than 700 people live in Pineville (including Slater's many kids)." That is exactly what is needed on these cards, those little tie ins to the star being represented. Kudos to whoever did the write up on this one.

Oh Road Dogg, this leaves us with only two legends remaining, so I will be one short (which will be in the unopened pack I am keeping), but I should be able to trade for it - will have to see who is missing.

Well, the base cards are all dupes - so one more try with tomorrows!

22 Packs, 158 Cards, 868 Points.


  1. I was bored and decided to look up who has Cameo accounts and found out Heath Slater has one. He seems like a nice guy but on one of his videos he showed off some of his cards he has of himself, so I'm not sure if he is a collector or just collects ones of himself, but still thought it was cool.

  2. Road Dogg was the man. Loved the New Age Outlaws.

    1. And everyone who watched, whether you liked them or not, knew their spiel word for word....Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages....
