Alludes to one of the things she is blamed for - the hiring of Hulk Hogan (the back notes that her favourite wrestler of all time was/is Hogan). Sure hogan had a cup of coffee with the same promotion in 2003, but it was when he was later brought in with Bischoff, that people looked at Dixie and wondered what she was thinking.
My understanding after the fact is that it wasn't so much her, as those at Spike TV which wanted Hogan, but of course, perception is another matter.
The other adds for the day are Fleer/Ultra hockey cards...

As for what is new to trade...there are these...

And then these...

I knew nothing of The Golden Compass - haven't read the book - but can appreciate there being cards to collect on the matter (obviously here, specific to the movie). If nothing else, I have a Nicole Kidman card I guess - not that I ever specifically wanted one, or have any intention to keep it.
Another item to share today, is a trade I did with TCDB member Shaw Racing. I have done a couple trades with him before, and they have been nice and smooth and the same was true here too...

Except these confused me. As it turned out, the wrong year MVP cards were pulled (I was looking for the same numbered cards a couple years later which were Leafs). Not a big deal, and he apologized for it anyway. I am sure we will trade again in the future just fine, no biggie, human error happens!
What I did get for keeping was...

A few more of the werror dupes I need on the error ridden 1990-91 Pro Set, one of the O Pee Chee Shares and Russians insert set, so I only need one more to complete the 66 card insert set, a couple Leafs and some Stadium Club set help!

Some more Leaf cards which are always great adds.

We end with Leafs that are a little more recent, but all needs.
Doesn't take much in a little PWE to bring a smile to my face - even with human error coming into play!
I think back in the day, I pulled an autograph of Dixie Carter out of a pack. Never heard of her before then... and don't think I've thought about her again until today.