Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Just Classic - Add It

 Let's go ahead and call this a set - 1991 Classic I. The 99 cards are a trivia game, and have some questions on the back, which you will see a few of below, but first the Jays and an uncorrected error card for those collections...

This actually gives me a copy of the Jays team set - all 4 cards, which is nice. There are however enough cards here that, well, I have to finish the set. I mean, I have 88 of the 99 cards now as you will see below.

Basic fronts which are fine, and clear, but again, being trivia cards, it's more about the backs.

I do find it interesting that there is an autograph area specifically on the back, but it's fun to go through the questions now, and given the purpose of the cards, the stats are a nice thing to have too.

At 99 cards for the set, you get all the stars of the day - some that lasted a long while, and some...not so much.

Either way, this is only one of a few sets like this which were released in 1991, because trivia games need more cards!

The design of each is similar, just different borden and background colour. I believe I have some of the red, but the classic game and sets II and II are the other 1991 offering with colours ranging from green to red to purple I believe.

The last card here is the final card of the set, and on the back which I didn't scan -oops - has the trivia game instructions which is cool too. Not something I would have ever gone out of my way to collect, but being most of the way there, can't help but finish this set off soon I hope.


  1. Even without the giant 91 you would be able to tell when they were from. I like the design quite a lot.

    1. The '91 does help a bit...lol....but agreed, not necessary to know when they are from.

  2. They definitely don't make sets like these anymore.
