Friday, December 22, 2023

In Studio

 Wow - been a while since I pulled some cards from the COVID lot, but here were are with less than a 3200 count box left to go, and we get a nice bunch of set helpers here.

1991 Studio was such a different set - studio pictures of baseball stars done in a nice black and white, with...a burgundy? border.

The photo work is great, and so many of the players of the time are easily recognizable - I love it. Molitor, Puckett, Yount to name a few.

Is it just me, or does Rickey Henderson always look smug? Maybe it's just because he was such a thorn in the side of the Jays in the late 80s and early 90s, but he just always seems to show a bit of attitude.

It wasn't just the front of the set which stood out, the backs took a different route to information on the player. Would I want parts of these incorporated into a flagship set? No. Do I like it as an alternative set? Absolutely, a nice little set - maybe 200-300, all done in this style. If done now though, would have to come up with 59 parallel designs though.


  1. Cool set, thanks for the intro. The design and the black-and-white head-and-shoulders photos are very much like those on 1979 Coke Saints football cards. Here's an example:
