Sunday, December 24, 2023

Name Changes

 I like when set names are obvious. You know, I got these cards, saw the hobby preferred wording on the banner on the front and figures it would be easy enough to find as a parallel or separate set. Instead, here we have 1993 Wild Card Superchrome football.

Okay, I can get why the distinction of the chrome, but I wasn't looking for a superchrome name or label on this one, so it took me a while. Some releases on TCDB have retail and hobby in the same set - one as a parallel, but that wasn't the case here. It's okay, glad I finally found it though.

As for the cards themselves, they are alright. Nothing that blows my socks away, but not too offensive though, as usual, the chrome makes it more difficult to read or scan the cards.

I will say the backs are pretty nice, but maybe a bit too much wasted real estate. Either way, within a day of having these cards added on TCDB, I already had a couple of the 70 or so cards wanted in trades, so success!

It is Christmas Eve for those who celebrate the holiday, so enjoy the evening today and Christmas tomorrow. I'll have something posted if you are bored, but hopefully everyone has something more entertaining to do than check out the blogs tomorrow morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. I collected Wild Card way back when they were new, but didn't see these until just five or six years ago. I still haven't seen one in person yet, so I don't really know what to think about them until I do, as the scan online leave a lot to be desired.
