Sunday, December 10, 2023

Wrestling Cards From jc645

 Another day, another trade. Jc645 sent me some wrestling cards and a few baseball for some newer baseball cards, and here is what I got...

The non-Jays are error cards for that collection, while the 1989 Jays are micro variations I still needed....almost there on the about 100 different Jays base cards from the set when you consider all the variations. Matt gets added in for newer Jays content, but this trade was really about the wrestling cards.

I love the 1985 set here from Topps. It's only 66 cards and I am now up to 40. Of courser the Hogan card, which I know I had as a child and is a long time gone, will be the expensive one to ge to finish this set. I might think about it when I get closer on the rest of the set though.

JYD always makes me think of his "Gram Them Cakes" a child, not sure why I thought it was about food...but then again, as a kid, I didn't catch on to Roddy Piper's "For Everybody" which was really supposed to be a certain other F word.....

Oh, so 80s in design and nostalgic! Love the cards and appreciate the trade...and miss the times as a kid!

1 comment:

  1. I was never a JYD fan, but his "Crusher in a Crusher" card is my all-time favorite wrestling card.
