Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Canada Day!

 We;;, I was going to say that I wasn't planning anything Canada Day related as far as posts go, but I can go for the easy and low hanging fruit on this one, as we focus on Leaf (get it - the Maple Leaf - Leaf cards....)

Today, a good bunch of about 300 1991 Leaf baseball cards to go through. The downside is, it's a set I have completed, and I don't think there were too many error cards, so not a lot of benefit in this one for me, but still - a bit.

Definitely some duplicate Jays action going on with these. As you can see, some cards in duplicate, triplicate...or as you will see below...even more.

Decent for stars of the times still, and I guess good trade fodder overall, though I am not sure I will ever need 6 Jeff Reed cards.

All of the cards here were also from the first series as it was released in two, so not sure if I will hit another bunch later, or if this is the leftovers of a box break or two. I saved some time and didn't bother scanning everything here, but it's all added over on my TCDB lists, so if you want anything, just check it out, as I may have a few dupes of most cards now!

Now to go celebrate the Maple Leaf - especially since there hasn't been much chance to the last couple years, COVID and all.


  1. Happy Canada Day! I opened a lot of this stuff seeking the Gold Leaf Rookie inserts.
